National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to Host a Webinar on Using New Definitions and Tools to Support Alcohol Recovery

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is hosting an informative and interactive free webinar: Using New Definitions and Tools to Support Alcohol Recovery, Tuesday, December 6, 2022, at 12 noon ET.

Each year in the United States, alcohol contributes to more than 200 health conditions and about 99,000 deaths. Alcohol misuse remains a significant public health challenge.

An important priority for NIAAA has been research on recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD). A number of advances have come about through NIAAA-supported efforts ranging from broad improvements in understanding recovery to the development of practical tools to treat AUD and support individuals in recovery.

This webinar will present NIAAA’s work on two critical areas:

  • NIAAA’s new definition of recovery as both a process and an outcome.
  • The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol (HPCR), NIAAA’s one-stop resource on evidence-based tools to treat alcohol problems—including components on how to support people in recovery from AUD.

Featured in this webinar are the following presenters: Dr. Brett Hagman, Program Director, Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch, NIAAA, and Dr. John Kelly, Professor of Psychiatry in Addiction Medicine at Harvard Medical School, will discuss the new definition of recovery. Dr. Laura Kwako, Program Director, Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch, NIAAA, and Dr. Helen Jack, Acting Instructor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Washington, will discuss The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol.

NIH Videocast will present the webinar at

Please send an RSVP by Friday, December 1, 2022, to [email protected].


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